Get a Quote Compliance and Assurance

Compliance and Assurance

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compliance-and-assurance.jpg compliance 1 compliance 2 compliance 3 Compliance and Assurance At RRM we offer all our customers the same high standards. Additional services that we can provide are:

RAMS (Risk Assesment, Method Statement) - For every job we do, we offer all our customers a tailor-made RAMS. These are designed to suit your business for your specific needs. Within these we can also design lift plans which, again, are custom designed buy our in house A.P's.

- Banksman available to attend and assist on site
- Appointed person available for site visits and to complete Lift plans, Method Statements and Risk assessments

Insurance - We are fully insured for all the loads that we carry, but, at times our customers may need that extra bit of cover for piece of mind.Our insurance team are always happy to assist in these circumstances.

FORS - RRM has qualified for the FORS standard for many years. Having a FORS Practitioner as part of our team means we go that extra mile when it comes to safe working practices.

Need help with meeting the FORS standard? We offer packages to suit all needs form initial consultation to the end-to-end process straight through to audit. For any enquiries please speak to a member of our team.

Storage - Our is fully secure with 24hr surveillance - an ideal place for overnight storage of goods or larger if required - Contact us anytime for our weekly rates!
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Customer Reviews
Dicom Ltd | Manufacturing Manager
Dicom Ltd have been using RR Memory for nearly 10 years and they have proven to be a very dependable transport company. This is highlighted by their sense of urgency on every delivery, big or small, near or far the service remains the same. Bottom line I would recommend them to anybody looking for great rates and no excuses get it done service.

Dicom Ltd | Manufacturing Manager
Dicom Ltd have been using RR Memory for nearly 10 years and they have proven to be a very dependable transport company. This is highlighted by their sense of urgency on every delivery, big or small, near or far the service remains the same. Bottom line I would recommend them to anybody looking for great rates and no excuses get it done service.

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