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Our Fleet of Haulage Vehicles

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haulage-photo-35.jpg fleet 2 pic fleet 2 pic fleet 3 pic A Vehicle For Every Occasion All our vehicles come with fully qualified, professional, drivers with many of them specialists in their area. Whether you want your product moving 5 miles or 500 miles they will assist you to ensure your load gets to the destination safely and securely.
1.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg Rigid Rigid with mounted crane - Capable of transporting loads of up to 44t with draw bar or 32t without. All capable of lifting up to 12t.
4.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 8.jpg Arctic Artic with mounted crane - Can carry weights ranging from 14t to 20t with lifting capacity of up to 18t.

Artic - Ready for general haulage of weights up to 44t. Available with a range of trailers to suit the load including:

- 45ft flats, including moffett mounted
- Step frame, with or without ramps
- Curtains, including moffett mounted
9.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg Heavy Haulage - Abnormal Loads Our Heavy Haulage division is capable of transporting upto 150t. From 100ft bridges to excavators, shredders and piling rigs.

Available with upto 4 Escort vehicles, to ensure the equipment arrives safely.
11.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg 15.jpg 16.jpg 17.jpg Trailers Our trailers range from general flats, curtains, stepframes and moffett mounted.

Stepframes and knock off necks available to haul upto 150t, plus, a crane mounted trailer to take 2.5t with a lift of upto 1t.
18.jpg 18.jpg 19.jpg 20.jpg Cranes Our crane mounted lorries have a lifting capacity up to 18T and have a max reach of 20M!!

As part of our fleet we also have available a smaller crane mounted trailer which can lift up to 1T - ideal for smaller jobs!
21.jpg 21.jpg 22.jpg ForkLifts Our forklifts have lifting capabilities of up to 18t! These are available for hire, with driver if required to help with any onsite work.
23.jpg 23.jpg LightGoods Several vans are available for smaller loads of up to 1.3t or up to 3t with trailer, plus use of a trailer with mounted crane for lifts upto 1t.

All light goods vehicles are set up for towing welfare units, site accommodation and site facility units, 4x4 delivery also available.
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Customer Reviews
Dicom Ltd | Manufacturing Manager
Dicom Ltd have been using RR Memory for nearly 10 years and they have proven to be a very dependable transport company. This is highlighted by their sense of urgency on every delivery, big or small, near or far the service remains the same. Bottom line I would recommend them to anybody looking for great rates and no excuses get it done service.

Dicom Ltd | Manufacturing Manager
Dicom Ltd have been using RR Memory for nearly 10 years and they have proven to be a very dependable transport company. This is highlighted by their sense of urgency on every delivery, big or small, near or far the service remains the same. Bottom line I would recommend them to anybody looking for great rates and no excuses get it done service.

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